We offer a wide range of Web applications and dedicated systems, constantly expanded to meet the Customer`s business expectations.

strony internetowe krakow

Interactive visualization with CMS - VisEstate

Application dedicated to increase profits from the sale or lease of any commercial premises (apartments, offices and other areas). It allows to visualize the distribution of building, post spatial plans and signal actual availability. (more)

Reservation systems

Automate and organize the reservation of tourist facilities, services and space. (more)

Systems integration

The development of web technologies has enabled the integration of systems in order to provide direct data exchange. It`s the easiest way to exchange data through better improve performance and gain a competitive advantage. (more)

Dedicated applications

We are ready to take on the implementation of each project in the field of web technologies. (more)

  • Nokia
  • XTRF
  • Kompania Biurowa
  • Beerpubs
  • Biuro Inwestycji Kapitałowych
  • Vivasanit
  • Simply Business
  • Enix
  • Sergio Leone
  • Organika-Azot SA
  • Coch
  • Viessmann
  • Interbau
  • Krakstone
  • Daniken
  • El-Sigma

Project on your mind?

Send us details and we'll give you a quote and technical details free of charge!